Today is day Fourteen of our spiritual journey into a deeper relationship with God. Do the best you can to keep up with our bible reading. If you are finding it difficult to do, just start reading the passage for the day and read as much as you can. As we embrace a lifestyle consistent with thriving in God this year. I was thinking that a good place to start would be learning to walk in God’s favor. As you pray and fast over the next few days meditate on the thoughts that follow.
Living In The Favor of The Lord
WHERE DO I BEGIN? Psalm 92:1-2
If we want to live in the favor of the we need first to change our attitude to one of gratitude. Enter his gates with thanksgiving. (Psalm 100:4)
1. Begin to keep a record of the Good things in your life.
I often talk to people who think they have nothing to be thankful for, who evaluate their lives only in terms of what they don't have.
Instead, make it a point to itemize every good thing in your life. If you have to start with the most basic things, then start with the most basic things: you have a pulse, you're breathing, you're here today.
2. Start and close each day with a time of thanksgiving to God.
Pslams 92:1-2 1 It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; 2 to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night...
3. Express Gratitude to the people you interact with .
First-Living in the Favor of the Lord through Prayer.
Second-Living in the Favor of the Lord through Faith.
Third-Living in the Favor of the Lord through Obedience.
Fourth-Living in the Favor of the Lord through Patience.