Today is day 11 we are now past the halfway point of our 21 day prayer and fast. Take this opportunity to evaluate your goals in this endeavor. Examine your heart And see what God is changing in you, what God wants to reveal to you what direction God is leading you. When we fast and abstain for food or other things for spiritual purposes, I believe that God will honor our sacrifice and meet us where we are. And raise us to new heights in our spiritual journey. When we fast it's not about self-denial it's not about self-flagellation. It is a time in which we are giving food or whatever else it may be to the Lord spending more time in prayer communion intercession supplication with him for the sole purpose of developing a closer more intimate relationship with the Lord. The purpose of fasting is to increase our desire to be in his presence to carry his presence everywhere we go for God to move supernaturally in our lives in our nation in the world. For each and every one of us to grow closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember God wants to move powerfully in your life he has plans for you that are always progressing and developing. He desires to speak to you with the clarity that one would speak to a friend. 2nd Corinthians 6:2 says “I tell you now is the time of God's favor now is the day of salvation”. Psalm 50:14,15 tell us “offer to God Thanksgiving and pay your vows to the Most High God. Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you and you shall glorify me”